Richard Potts
My current research focuses on the effects of mass media on social development. Specific topics include (1) the role of childhood and adolescent television viewing in adult behavior and personality, and (2) experiences of psychological flow states in videogame play. My teaching interests are Psychology of Mass Media and Social Psychology.
Primary Interests:
- Applied Social Psychology
- Communication, Language
- Personality, Individual Differences
- Social Cognition
Journal Articles:
- DiLillo, D., Potts, R., & Himes, S. (1998). Predictors of children's risk appraisals. Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology, 19, 415-427.
- Potts, R., Belden, A., & Reese, C. (in press). Young adults' retrospective reports of childhood television viewing. Communication Research.
- Potts, R., Doppler, M., & Hernandez, M. (1994). Effects of television content on physical risk-taking in children. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 58, 321-331.
- Potts, R., & Martinez, I. G. (1994). Television viewing and children's beliefs about scientists. Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology, 15, 287-300.
- Potts, R., Martinez, I. G., & Dedmon, A. (1995). Childhood injury and risk-taking: Self-report and informant measures. Journal of Pediatric Psychology, 20, 5-12.
- Potts, R., & Swisher, L. (1998). Effects of televised safety models on children's risk taking and hazard identification. Journal of Pediatric Psychology, 3, 157-163.
Courses Taught:
- Experimental Psychology
- Psychology of Mass Media
- Psychology of Social Behavior
Richard Potts
Department of Psychology
Oklahoma State University
215 North Murray
Stillwater, Oklahoma 74078-3064
United States of America
- Phone: (405) 744-4593